simulation of arduino controlling relay.. step 1: when you double click on the Proteus8 icon the window open like this

step 2:
go to FILE and click on NEW PROJECT a new project wizard is open like this

select a name and path for it and click
next step 3: create the default schematic

click on the create schematic from the selected template and choose
DEFAULT and select option for no pcb layout and and no firmware as shown in figures below

and click finish

after clicking finish we get a empty schematic like this

I assume that you installed Arduino Proteus library -- if not google it you can find many tutorials of how to do it. at the left panel we have some control tools to add components to the schematic

In above picture the highlighted one having names
P L DEVICES when we click on P we have option to pick components

IF you type
Arduino in search bar you get the window like this

select arduino UNO and click ok to add it to the devices for this we are gonna need following components 1.ULN2003 IC - relay driver 2.relay 3.dc source source 5.lamp ULN2003 IC-- we can get this using search bar

and relay,lamp and ac source using keywords relay,lamp and alternator respectively but for dc source it took me some time to figure out what to do... we can get dc source from
generator mode
by clicking the symbol

and selecting DC

and after aligning all these in the schematic get to this.

to dump the code follow this procedure Using Arduino IDE type the following code
void setup() { pinMode(13,OUTPUT); } void loop() { digitalWrite(13,HIGH); delay(1000); digitalWrite(13,LOW); delay(1000); }
before verifying the code goto
File -- Preferences in Arduino file menu select compilation as shown in fig

and press the
verify button

copy the highlighted section and paste it in

the above window comes by double clicking the arduino uno.. and run the simulation we can see the lamp is ON and OFF sequentially.
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