After I failed to train object detector with custom data using NVIDIA digits platform on detectNet , I tried my luck with TensorFlow object detection API. I think I successfully trained mobileNet model with it.
In this post I will try to explain what I did and what are the error's I faced while doing so.
Data Collection : Instead of taking images I write a script to grab the frames from the video
It will take video file path and number of frames to be generated. The frames grabbed from video look like this
And yes I take brinjal (is that what it is called ?) images for testing.
labelImg is used to label images. I installed via zip instead of pip (labelImg with pip never worked for me).
Installation : you can follow official docs to install both tensorflow and models.
I find it much easier compared to digits installation
Once you downloaded models, open jupyter and run the objectDetection example. it will take bit of time to run , since it has to download the mobieNet model trained on coco dataset.
Note :
for some weird reason I have to enter
Custom model Installation :
I tried to find the problem using following :
But didn't get it working. I tried the model and config file from this tutorial : with ssd_mobileNet and cofig file, for some unknown reason , IT WORKED.
7. Evaluating the model
Copy the file from legacy folder and run following command
python3 --logtostderr --pipeline_config_path=/home/ic/Documents/objectExtraction/workspace/training_demo/training/inception_v2.config --checkpoint_dir=/home/ic/Documents/objectExtraction/workspace/training_demo/training --eval_dir=/home/ic/Documents/objectExtraction/workspace/training_demo/eval
You need to specify the number of test images in .config file
eval_config: {
num_examples: 22
You can check the eval output with
tensorboard --logdir=eval\
Check and images , you can find the output
If you get following error :
NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined in object_detection/utils/
Try to replace unicode with str in file as specified in
8. Exporting the model
I used the following command to export inferred graph
python3 --input_type image_tensor --pipeline_config_path training/inception_v2.config --trained_checkpoint_prefix training/model.ckpt-688 --output_directory trained-inference-graphs/output_inference_graph_v1
When I run it , i got the warning
114 ops no flops stats due to incomplete shapes. Parsing Inputs... Incomplete shape.
and exported model
Then add few more images in test_images folder and change the for loop range
then run the file
And Results I get are :
And for some weird reason This
And Like always I don't even know why third image came like that, may be i have to train it with versatile images.
Are you trying the same and struck ? or do you have any suggestions / solutions for errors i faced (using inceptionNet as specified in official docs)? let me know in comments.
In this post I will try to explain what I did and what are the error's I faced while doing so.
Data Collection : Instead of taking images I write a script to grab the frames from the video
It will take video file path and number of frames to be generated. The frames grabbed from video look like this
labelImg is used to label images. I installed via zip instead of pip (labelImg with pip never worked for me).
Installation : you can follow official docs to install both tensorflow and models.
I find it much easier compared to digits installation
Once you downloaded models, open jupyter and run the objectDetection example. it will take bit of time to run , since it has to download the mobieNet model trained on coco dataset.
Note :
for some weird reason I have to enter
# From tensorflow/models/research/
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:`pwd`:`pwd`/slim
in terminal even-though I added research and slim path to my .bashrc fileCustom model Installation :
- Generate XML to CSV Files
- Generate .record files from CSV files
- make .pbtxt file and dont include comma ','
- Download the model and .config file
- Edit the .config file to modify following
- number of classes
- pretrained model path
- test labels path, with images
- train labels path, with images
- Then copy the file to train your model
I tried to find the problem using following :
But didn't get it working. I tried the model and config file from this tutorial : with ssd_mobileNet and cofig file, for some unknown reason , IT WORKED.
7. Evaluating the model
Copy the file from legacy folder and run following command
python3 --logtostderr --pipeline_config_path=/home/ic/Documents/objectExtraction/workspace/training_demo/training/inception_v2.config --checkpoint_dir=/home/ic/Documents/objectExtraction/workspace/training_demo/training --eval_dir=/home/ic/Documents/objectExtraction/workspace/training_demo/eval
You need to specify the number of test images in .config file
eval_config: {
num_examples: 22
You can check the eval output with
tensorboard --logdir=eval\
Check and images , you can find the output
If you get following error :
NameError: name 'unicode' is not defined in object_detection/utils/
Try to replace unicode with str in file as specified in
8. Exporting the model
I used the following command to export inferred graph
python3 --input_type image_tensor --pipeline_config_path training/inception_v2.config --trained_checkpoint_prefix training/model.ckpt-688 --output_directory trained-inference-graphs/output_inference_graph_v1
When I run it , i got the warning
114 ops no flops stats due to incomplete shapes. Parsing Inputs... Incomplete shape.
But as stated here , we can ignore it and use the model
9. using the trained model
To use the trained model , modify the following lines :
Specify the lebel.pbtxt file used
9. using the trained model
To use the trained model , modify the following lines :
Specify the lebel.pbtxt file used
PATH_TO_LABELS = os.path.join('data', 'label_map.pbtxt')
MODEL_NAME = 'output_inference_graph_v1'
Then add few more images in test_images folder and change the for loop range
TEST_IMAGE_PATHS = [ os.path.join(PATH_TO_TEST_IMAGES_DIR, 'image{}.jpg'.format(i)) for i in range(1, 6) ]
And Results I get are :
And for some weird reason This
Are you trying the same and struck ? or do you have any suggestions / solutions for errors i faced (using inceptionNet as specified in official docs)? let me know in comments.